
凯西·安德烈- 2009

Casey is a secondary math teacher with 为美国而教 在田纳西州孟菲斯市.

艾拉·劳奇- 2009

Ella is a law student at Willamette University College of Law.

Caroline Thompson - 2009

Caroline is a law student at Albany Law School of Union University在纽约奥尔巴尼. She is also a Federal Judicial Intern at the Federal District Court, Northern District of New York.

塞拉弗利诺- 2008

Sierra received her MA in Theological Studies from Harvard Divinity School in 2012 and currently works as the Program Coordinator for the Colorado Department of Higher Education.

Erynn Lefils-Shaw Montgomery - 2008

Erynn is a Mental Health Counselor at the Jefferson Hills Center for Mental Health in Wheat Ridge, CO, and will graduate with a Masters in Clinical Counseling in May of 2013.

Garrik Storgaard - 2008

Garrik is studying law at the 丹佛大学.

萨米·阿德勒- 2007

Sami received her MAT from 科罗拉多大学 in 2008 and now teaches Latin at Rocky Mountain Classical Academy.

玛丽安·霍兰德- 2007

MaryAnn is studying for her MA in Organizational Leadership at 哥伦比亚大学, while working as Director of the College Office for Achievement First Amistad High School in New Haven, CT.

纳撒尼尔·基德- 2007

Nathaniel is currently in his Middle year of the MDiv Program at Nashotah房子, heading toward ordination in Anglicanism or PhD work in Patristics, Liturgics, or New Testament.

霍莉·米勒德- 2007

After receiving her Police Academy Certification, Holly is serving as a Police Officer for the city of St. 弗朗西斯,WI.

Evangelos Smith - 2007

Evan is currently working as a biologist intern at the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center 在德克萨斯州的格伦罗斯.

Michael Anthony Fowler - 2006

收到B后.A. from 科罗拉多大学 in 2006, Michael attended 哈佛大学, where he completed a M.T.S. in Religions of the World, with particular interest in spatial and temporal context of the ancient Mediterranean (2008). He continued graduate studies in Classical Archaeology at 塔夫斯大学 然后乘M.A. in 2010. Currently, Michael is a teaching fellow at 哥伦比亚大学.

本·米勒- 2006

Ben is a pursuing his PhD in Early Modern Studies (particularly Shakespeare 和 connections between his and Ovid's work) at the 爱荷华大学.

劳拉·摩根- 2006

Laura is a third-year medical student at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

Kimberly Shephard - 2006

Kim is currently working as a Study Abroad Advisor in the Study Abroad Office here at CC, but will be pursuing her PhD in Medieval History at the University of Southern California 2008年秋天.

Caitlin Anderson - 2005

After receiving a Classical Languages Post-Baccalaureate Certificate from the University of Pennsylvania, Caitlin now works as Assistant to the Curator of Printed Books at the University of Pennsylvania's Rare Book Library.

Heather Perlberg - 2005

Heather received her Master's Degree in Journalism at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, and is currently employed by 彭博新闻 在纽约.

凯尔·德比尔- 2003

Kyle is the New Media Director for the 德州民主党.

柯克·莫滕森- 2003

Kirk is the Individual 给 Manager for TheatreWorks in Palo Alto, California.

克里斯蒂安·多纳特- 2002

Kip is currently a doctoral student in Political Science at the University of California, San Diego.

Molly Mayfield Barbee - 2001

Molly earned her MDIV from Harvard Divinity School in 2004 and is currently living in Montreal, 加拿大, finishing her job as the Assistant Director for Development for Peace X Peace. She will soon be joining her husband as a Foreign Service Officer with the State Department in Iraq. In her own words: "My love of languages was just budding at CC, and . . . 它还在继续增长. . . . Spending time in the CC 经典 department was how I first learned that languages are an especially good 'way in' to understanding a culture. I now wonder if learning languages might actually be a 'way in' to understanding more than just cultural perspectives, but personal ones as well. I'm planning to do some work in psychology . . . (eventually) and hope to follow this theory/question about languages up in the

苏珊·赫德- 2001

Susan is the owner of Cinnabar Bazaar Jewelry Manufacturing in Telluride, Colorado.


Amanda received her Master Naturalist Certification from the City of Ft. Collins, CO, and is the Office Manager/Member Services for Be Local Northern Colorado.

罗伯特·贝森- 2000

Rob is an architect and teacher at the 悉尼大学 University of Technology in New South Wales, Australia.

卡桑德拉·默瑟- 2000

Cassi earned her MA in 经典 at the 科罗拉多大学 in 2004 and is currently a 刘易斯 & 克拉克学院 National Crime Victim Law Institute, a national non-profit dedicated to protecting, 执行, and advancing crime victims' rights, 在波特兰, OR.

Catherine Mougalian - 2000

凯特参加了 Monterey Institute of International Studies, where she earned her TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). She works now as an English Language Professor at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies 在日本的Najoya.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 02/08/2023